Tuesday Tarot: The Wheel of Fortune

Rider-Waite-Smith Wheel of Fortune card

No, silly, not the game show!

So we’ve looped back around to the beginning numerologically: 10 = 1 + 0 = 1 again. More accurately, the combination of the qualities of 0 and 1. Therefore, the 10th Trump is the “embodiment of growth and the reciprocal action between opposites.” Case calls it the “eternal creativeness of Life Power whirling forth.”

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Freya: Cats and Cloaks

I really identify with Freya. We share a Norse background and affinity for cats, although I don’t think any of the cats I’ve lived with would be willing to pull a chariot for me. Freya is a mother goddess for love, fertility, beauty and sex. She is also a war goddess, and half of those who die in battle come to her afterlife domain of Fólkvangr. (The other half go to Odin’s Valhalla.)

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Hathor: Love and Laughter

Drawing of Hathor, from Brooklyn Museum

I don’t work with many Egyptian goddesses. I had a coven sister years ago who claimed Sekhmet as her matron, and I’ve worked with Isis a little bit. I decided yesterday to try drawing a card from the Goddess Oracle to see who I should write about next and I drew Hathor.

Hathor is a cow headed mother goddess, and is known to be placid and loving. She is associated with the sky, and especially the Milky Way galaxy. She is also associated with the hippopotamus, vultures, snakes and lions.

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