Tuesday Tarot: The Wheel of Fortune

Rider-Waite-Smith Wheel of Fortune card

No, silly, not the game show!

So we’ve looped back around to the beginning numerologically: 10 = 1 + 0 = 1 again. More accurately, the combination of the qualities of 0 and 1. Therefore, the 10th Trump is the “embodiment of growth and the reciprocal action between opposites.” Case calls it the “eternal creativeness of Life Power whirling forth.”

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Penny Dreadful: The Witchiest Ladies on TV

Penny Dreadful main title

Oh come on! You guys had to know I was going to tackle this one! It’s got everything us weirdos are supposed to love: mist filled Victorian settings, semi-obscure literary references, blood and guts! But I’m trying to play it straight on this blog, so we’re going to focus on what I, as a feminist eclectic witch, find most important: strong female characters! Since the second season finishes up this coming Sunday, now’s as good a time as any…

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