Tuesday Tarot: the Tower

Oh no, the Tower! Death, destruction, disaster (wow, a lot of scary words start with a D), and general woe to all who are in the vicinity!

Well, we all know that there aren’t really any truly one sided things in this universe, so let’s get to digging into what this card really represents.

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Tuesday/Thursday Tarot: The Hanged Man

Rider-Waite-Smith Hanged Man card

Because I give up!


The Hanged Man is probably the most famous Tarot card. I know I was aware of it before beginning to actually study and use the cards. This one and the Death card are the ones most often used in popular culture to emphasize the “woooo…scary” aspects of the use of the Tarot. Now that I know more, it always makes me laugh, because these are so NOT the scary cards. Give me the Hanged Man over the Tower, or the Three of Swords any day.

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